Traditional publishing vs. self-publishing chart

I've read industry blogs, blogs written by published and self- published authors.  I get a feed of dozens of blogs that I go through on a weekly basis just to keep informed on the publishing industry, which is now my industry I guess.
Based on my readings, and my entirely unscientific approach to things, I came up with this pro and con chart which I am henceforth sharing with ya'll.  Oh my this has to be tiny to fit on this page. This is for USA only and is only possible because of the rise of ebooks, Amazon and Kindle. This chart is NOT for foreign deals. Publishing in foreign countries is an entirely different ball game, which you can pursue after you publish traditionally or self-publish.

1 comment:

  1. This was a good blog about the differences between self and traditional publishing and we definitely in self-publishing is rising the ranks in the publishing industry because of the level of autonomy it gives the author. We are Orange Publishers and we believe in empowering the author to take matters into their own hands and that is why our publishing process is one of the most hands-on in the industry and we are the most reputable self-publishing book house in India.
