How to navigate this blog. Welcome to all!

Hello and welcome fellow terrified writer!

I created this blog to share my experience as a self-published author.  I believe that self-publishing solved a lot of my angsts and made a happy and fulfilled author out of this insecure French girl. 

How many books never see the light of day because their authors did not have the grit to endure the jumping through flaming hoops that is looking for publication? The agents rejections, the query writing, the loathed SASE that never makes it back to your mailbox, the waiting game.. Some of us simply don't have what it takes.

I am one of those writers who gave up early on. I never could get that first query written properly, agonized over it for months, was rejected (or ignored) a few times, and then gave up.  Would my book be published by a traditional publisher if I had endured and persevered?  This I will never know.

But I'm not sure that I care.

My books will never be reviewed in the New York Times.  Oprah will not invite me over, but my books are getting in the hands of a whole lot of readers and many of them are thrilled with them.

That's really all I need to know.

Writing and pain might go hand in hand, but publishing and pain no longer have to. Amazon and others have set the tone: they are compensating writers fairly, and eliminating the middle men. 

In this blog and my upcoming book I will try to identify every fear we writers experience and help you push through them in order to get that manuscript out of the drawer, and into the world. 

If I did it, everyone can. No, really.

I created this blog for the future readers of my upcoming self help book for writers, and for those of you who have heard me speak somewhere and whom I managed to convince not to wait another minute before plunging into the exhilarating, empowering and ultimately sanity-restoring experience that is self publishing.  

There are several ways to read this blog.  The best way is to start with the earliest post and work through them one at a time chronologically.  You can also go through the archives when you need help on one topic or another.  I tried to make each title as self explanatory as possible.

The best way of course is to sign up (in the left hand column) and go on my list to be alerted right away when the book becomes available. 

I wish you the very best. Please email me at corinegantz (at) if you have questions.  Comments are also welcome, as are suggestions. I reserve the right to delete mean comments. 

If you find typos, tell me. This is a work in progress and often if I have to make a choice between getting the info out to you now, or getting it to you perfect, I choose the 'now' option. I believe this is how blog posts should be written. Sloppy is better than not at all.

By the way, to make this page a stand alone page (also called a static page) I followed the instructions on the following link.   Here is the link on how to create a welcome page on blogger.  It took me a bit of time to figure it out, but it's eventually doable: Basically, on the same page that lists your blog posts you can see a 'page' button in the left hand column.  Click on it. Then click 'new page' then 'blank page'. Make sure to indicate where that page will go on the template and voila!

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